Change vs. Holiday

Forgive me internet for I have slipped.  It has been almost a year since my last blog post. I know, and it is dreadful.  A lot has changed since I last graced the blogosphere with my infallible intellect. And a lot has changed at work. They say change is as good as a holiday, but I don’t have the time or money for a vacation at the moment, so all that’s left is to embrace the change that has befallen us.

March 2011 I was offered the opportunity to do the procurement at our company. It was a big change and I started learning from day 1, just not all the correct things necessarily. I will touch on this more further on. 

October 2011 the MD of our company went into retirement and was replaced by a ME (Managing Executive) from our holding company, a Scottish, former MMA fighter, with one hell of a business mind. He honestly scared the crud out of me. And it was one of those holidays vs. Change moments in my career. I chose to embrace the change.  As I got to know the new guy I learned more and more. I had to start unlearning some of the older things and relearning from the new boss.

January 2012 – Connor Liam Repanis is born

February 2012 we get a new financial director, and I report directly to him. He is a young guy but well studied and super knowledgeable on business matter. That basically means more learning for me. Throughout this learning process I realise I am now doing procurement, whereas before I was just expediting.

In essence, it has been a long year and a year of incredible growth.


Tune in next week for my take on the new E-Troll system.


A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein


Word of the week – try use this in a sentence


Gambrinous – being full of beer