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Moving and / or Shaking

Posted by Simon Repanis on Wednesday, March 2, 2011, In : Hardwork 

Moving and / or shaking

So I am thinking of moving my blog to a slot on odd’s blog ( ) as this site isn’t really growing so much, which is disheartening for any author I am sure. Thanks to Google analytics I am able to track the traffic on my site, and it gets depressing sometimes. But at least I am able to see that I am not just pouring my intellect into cyberspace to no avail, there are those faithful readers, and I appreciate all of you.  I am rev...

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Strike while the Iron is hot

Posted by Simon Repanis on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, In : Risk 

Striking – who wins – who loses?

Unions win, Companies win. Employees lose.

If a strike lasts for two weeks, it will take the employee up to five years to recuperate the income lost for the two weeks without work, does that sound like a good deal to you?  The union gains from the political posturing, and increases the membership fees. Employee loss number two. The company gains by not paying all the employees for the allotted striking period, and therefore not losing much from the strik...

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Simon Repanis
Simon Repanis


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